


事情发生的经过: While no official legislative action took place, the key issues at-hand remain: broadband access, 社区弹性, and local authority concerning short-term rentals. These topics will be highlighted over the next months in a series of articles by Raleigh-based news organization WRAL.

单词释义: 首先, 宽带及其经济影响. From the article: “A 2019 study from the U.S Chamber of Commerce and Amazon estimated North Carolina, 在过去的三年里, has seen $3 billion in business revenue and 13,740 jobs unrealized due to the lack of access to digital tools by rural small businesses."

利用: 其他新闻,N.C. 首席信息官埃里克·博耶特说 已经被破解了 取N.C. 交通运输部 Secretary Jim Trogdon's resignation. NCLM recently spoke with Boyette on 北卡罗来纳州的网络安全 – a conversation that is linked below.

瘦子: Broadband also gets more attention below, 这次是在国会面前, as NCDIT's Jeff Sural spoke to the U.S. 众议院上周就这个问题进行了讨论. 请继续阅读以获取更多信息.​

​Beginning next week and throughout the winter and spring, NCLM and WRAL will be highlighting key issues of importance to League member cities and towns through a Spotlight campaign featuring website articles and videos. The campaign is the latest iteration of a League partnership with the news organization intended to better educate the public about the importance of local authority when it comes to addressing issues that residents care about, as well as the crucial contributions that cities and towns are making to our state's economy.

Key issues that will be a part of this effort: broadband access, rural community challenges and resiliency, and popular short-term rental platforms and how cities are responding. 你可以找到 第一个 in these series of stories, examining the business case for better broadband access, 在这里.

That story will appear on the WRAL homepage on Tuesday, and as it and subsequent stories and videos appear, the League will be promoting each through our publications and social media channels. 我们希望你们也能这样做, as well as promote this entire campaign as it develops over the coming weeks.​

杰夫小腿肚的, director of NCDIT's Broadband Infrastructure Office, spoke to Congress last week on the problem of broadband access and its impact on North Carolina communities. 更具体地说, he spoke on the effectiveness of municipal solutions and public-private partnerships – two tools that would be strengthened by 光纤NC法案:

“In North Carolina we have found that partnerships between the public and private sectors, particularly at the municipal or regional level, that work to address the specific causes of the digital divide their communities face, are the only way we'll close the digital divide."

听力, “Empowering and Connecting Communities through Digital Equity and Internet Adoption," took place last week in the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. 请阅读苏拉尔的完整评论 在这里,或者观看听证会 在这里.​

继Sec的新闻之后. Boyette的 搬到NCDOT,我们要重新共享一个 Q&A 我们有N.C. CIO about the risks facing local governments and the available resources, which most notably include the National Guard. 你可以读一下那段对话 在这里.

也提供培训. The League will be conducting Cyber Threat Awareness classes at four locations in February. These will cover the cyber risk threats our municipalities face and the mitigation strategies necessary to address current cyber threats in the pursuit of our municipal missions. 了解更多信息并在这里注册

目标是12个县 一项1100万美元的资助计划 designed to boost economic transformation in rural areas.

The Community-Based Grants Initiative, one of the numerous grant programs Golden LEAF offers, cycles through each of the state's eight "prosperity zones," each of which consists of between 10-17 counties. Last time the grant program was available in the Northwest Prosperity Zone was 2014-15, 据金叶说.

包括亚历山大县, Alleghany, 阿西娅, 艾弗里, 伯克, 考德威尔, 卡托巴语, 麦克道尔, 米切尔, Watauga, 威尔克斯和扬西.​

​First, every municipality and county in North Carolina should now participate in the 边界验证程序 (BVP)来自美国.S. 人口普查局. This is a critically important step, and could significantly impact the funding your municipality receives as a result of the 2020 人口普查. 简单来说, BVP is the once-a-decade opportunity for a municipality to review the boundaries that the 人口普查局 has on record, and indicate whether that boundary is correct. 这个网页 会指导你完成整个过程吗. The deadline for the BVP is March 1, 2020.

第二,参加下周的会议 National Teleconference Regarding Threats to the U.S. 人口普查. Hosted by the Departments of Homeland Security, 情报和分析办公室, 以及商务部, this call will cover both cyber and physical threats to the 2020 人口普查. 简报会在2月11日星期四举行. 13, and call-in information can be found on 联赛的赛事列表

国会城市会议 will take place March 8-11 in Washington, D.C. 与2人以上见面,000 local leaders from across the country, take part in educational opportunities through NLC University, and advocate on the most important local issues.

你可以了解更多 在这里,查看日程安排 在这里,并登记 在这里.​