


事情发生的经过: We 发布了一个行动警报(在本公告的下面重播),以联系你的国会议员,鼓励他们 支持帮助城镇解决税收问题的联邦立法 shortfalls due 到 pandemic’s effects. 政府. 罗伊•库珀 给了 一个地址 on how the state might transition out of current restrictions while maintaining public safety and health. Working groups of legislators at N.C. General Assembly continued meeting specifically about the coronavirus, 关注的主题包括州法律和地方政府的远程会议 以及车辆税收征收和检查的截止日期(详见 这个公告).  

单词释义: 现在是时候向美国提出要求了.S. Sens. Burr and Tillis, as well as your U.S. 房子 成员, to approve federal aid for local coffers.  

利用: 新的州立法会议. In less than two weeks, the full General Assembly will fire back up, though with a few different procedures. 冠状病毒意味着 额外的预防措施,包括限制谁可以进入立法大楼. 报道 从 WRAL新闻 新闻 & 观察者 lay out some of the big-picture 分数和期望.  

瘦子: 保持 healthy and informed as you join state and federal leaders in responding to 这场危机. 请继续阅读更多更新. ,不要 forget to send in those 人口普查 responses. 

The workload for local leaders hardly ever subsides, 和re are few situations w在这里 that is more true than now. And as your responsibilities increase, so do ours. Individually, the priority is your hometown. 但是,作为一个整体,作为一个365足彩下载,我们正在共同应对更大的、迫在眉睫的危机.

为了这个目的, we're being heard and making an impact, evidenced by news coverage of cities and towns over the past week or so. 在政策方面,我们做到了 在立法者面前,表达 的紧迫性 的情况 向国会 与政府合作. 罗伊·库珀、州预算官员和州议员(如本公报所述). This week, the League also connected cities and towns with U.S. 代表. Ted Budd, Patrick McHenry and G.K. Butterfield in virtual roundtables about the coronavirus.

我们当然会认真对待365足彩下载年度报告中列出的收入情况 收入项目备忘录. 这份文件是 钢支撑 因为他们的影响力 准备预算 尽他们所能 支持当地经济.

Lastly, we're not letting anything fall 到 wayside. Non-coronavirus issues still percolate, 从 the safeguarding of 主要市政当局需要 for reliable broadband across the state.​

a的领导 房子 新型冠状病毒肺炎工作组 expressed a desire Tuesday to address COVID远程会议关注事项 市政官员提出. 在会议上,小组 bipartisan legislative chairs directed staff to work with local government advocates like the League 和 N.C. Association of County Commissioners on 法案明确了地方董事会远程会议的权力 during this current state 进入紧急状态. The League requested this clarification 在几周前的法律中,并感谢国家运作的连续性工作 集团联合主席代表. John Bell, David Lewis, and Darren Jackson for 支持法律的更新. Please call your legislative delegation and urge 他们支持本地董事会在这种状态下远程会议的能力 进入紧急状态.  

也在 在周二的会议上,该工作组成员批准了另一项政策变化 that 有 the potential to affect receipt of vehicle property taxes. Specifically, the working group 成员 expressed support for allowing the extension of vehicle inspection 最后期限 (上市 在这里 on page 1), as well as for waiving fees and fines associated with those 最后期限. Local revenues could potentially be negatively impacted if such 采取措施的原因是,目前,车主支付他们的 property taxes only after the inspections. A delay in inspections could cause a delay in vehicle property tax payments, if not otherwise addressed. 当你 speak to your legislators, emp有ize the 需要 to keep vehicle property tax payments in place even if the inspection requirement is delayed. 

一般 大会可能会把这些项目和其他紧急措施作为一部分 of a 新型冠状病毒肺炎 focused session beginning April 28. 本周的立法领导人 提供了有关该届会议的一些细节,说他们期待委员会 to meet 远程ly on April 29, with votes taking place in person 4月30日. 在任何一次会议和投票过程中,领导人都表示唯一的 people allowed to attend in person would be legislators, staff, and press 成员. All other 成员 of the public would be able to monitor the 讨论通过 远程 音频流.​​

Note: The League sent out the Action Alert that follows on Wednesday. 现在是时候联系你们的国会议员,鼓励他们支持立法,帮助城镇解决新型冠状病毒肺炎危机造成的收入短缺问题, 因为下一轮联邦立法可能会提供满足这些需求的最佳机会.

Now is the time to contact your U.S. 众议院议员和.S. Sens. 理查德·伯尔和汤姆·提利斯敦促他们批准额外的立法,支持城镇应对新型冠状病毒肺炎危机的影响.

让他们知道,以前批准的《365体育足彩》将无法解决城市和城镇因疫情而遭受的经济影响和相关收入损失. 这是由于限制为直接与新冠肺炎相关的费用提供资金,只允许向该国最大的地方政府提供直接资金. 告诉他们,这些限制需要取消,任何临时紧急救济法案都应该包括一轮额外的州和地方资金.

As you contact them, please make the following points:

  • Small businesses are the lifeblood of towns and cities, 和y 需要 continuing help to remain viable. Municipalities 和ir residents depend on these businesses, but they in turn depend on city services.
  • 经济活动放缓肯定会影响地方政府的现金流, 收入和预算. 在北卡罗来纳州,销售税收入占市政基金运营预算中位数的28%, 许多市政当局预计,在这段经济活动减少的时期,收入流将下降20%到30%.
  • 平均而言,北卡罗来纳州31%的普通基金市政预算用于公共安全. 警察, 消防员和其他公共安全人员对应对新型冠状病毒肺炎危机至关重要, and municipalities forced to cut staff will be damaging that response.
  • 北卡罗来纳州的城镇也面临着与水有关的收入短缺和现金流问题, sewer and electricity utility operations, 为了保护客户和他们的健康,已经发布了禁止断开连接的命令. And they are seeing substantial drops in hotel occupancy tax collections.
  • 联邦《365体育足彩》主要限于解决与covid相关的直接应对费用, 而且对许多城镇来说,地方政府财政收入不足的问题也无法得到缓解. As these local governments will be forced to balance their budgets, 裁员和削减服务只会意味着经济痛苦的延长和经济衰退的破坏性影响.

Urge North Carolina 成员 of the U.S. 参众两院通过采取常识性措施保护城市服务以及依赖城市服务的居民和企业来支持城镇.

CityVision 2020 有 被改造成一个虚拟会议,完成直播和点播 教育会议,以及365足彩下载的年度商务会议-节省日期 5月28日. Agenda and session details are coming soon, but the business 会议将采用与去年类似的阵容,并将包括电子 voting results and a swearing in of the 2020-2021 Board of Directors.

The 2020 提名 Committee 有 发布 一份备忘录 to 成员资格,其中概述了电子提名和投票程序 this year’s unpredictable circumstances. Members seeking a board seat, should 提交 候选人 感兴趣的形式 五点以前.m. 4月30日.

Don’t wait to submit your nomination—we are posting candidate profiles online as they are received. 这些和其他 选举 information cancan be seen on the “选举中央” 网站, www.选举.grasslong.com.

本周,365足彩下载政治沟通和协调主任斯科特·穆尼汉姆在一个流行的播客中从流行病的角度讨论宽带需求. 播客, 称为社区宽带比特, 是由本地自力更生研究所制作,并由所长主持, 克里斯托弗·米切尔, 宽带问题专家.

克里斯托弗和斯科特讨论了新型冠状病毒的传播如何改变了该州社区的生活,以及地方政府如何在继续提供基本服务的同时应对新的需求. 斯科特分享了一些城镇的故事,这些城镇目前正在为宽带接入而苦苦挣扎, despite their proximity to major metros, creating public safety concerns,该节目的365体育足彩语是这样写的.

Listen 到 22-minute episode, titled “NC Needs Local Internet Choice to Tackle Pandemic."

他们还会讨论"断开连接," the recent WRAL documentary on broadband 需要s.

在这一点上,美国官方.S. 人口普查 Bureau mailers have been received, and communities are self reporting. 而 全国的响应率接近50%,低于46% 在北卡罗来纳州. 保持 最新的 北卡罗来纳州的进展, 遵循 排名, and continue your local efforts to increase the count.