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League Bulletin

April 19, 2019

WHAT HAPPENED: A peppy feeling on Jones Street 众议院和许多委员会都提出了200多项新法案 movement.

WHAT IT MEANS: Two quick explanations -- 1) the 众议院到了提交法案的最后期限(不涉及金钱的提案)和春天 break. 众议院已经计划休假一周,参议院也是如此 scheduled downtime for the week of April 22. 

ON TAP: 众议院法案的最后期限是4月25日 at 5 p.m. 所有剩下的公共法案都是专门处理 appropriations and finance. 这是立法机构最后一个真正的截止日期 今年是新的单张钞票,不过还有一个重要的日子要过 crossover, currently scheduled for May 9. Generally speaking, that's when bills 必须通过参议院或众议院才能存活. This means you can 议员们休息回来后,预计生意会很好. And amid all that is House budget development.

THE SKINNY: It's been busy, and will be ahead. 我们感谢全州的立法者和地方领导人所做的工作 doing together to make North Carolina better. Whatever your plans are this 假期周末,我们希望你有一个伟大的和休息.​

​The House 酒精饮料控制委员会本周提出 HB 91 ABC Laws Modernization/PED Study, making changes to the state's system of 酒类分销和销售,根据365足彩下载工作人员的意见和修改 from committee members. 365足彩下载工作人员在委员会发言时表示反对 一项强制整合地方ABC董事会的条款——这是一项条款 在国联的证词之后,委员会最终通过修正将其删除.

该法案仍然包含允许 个别购买瓶需特殊订购,当地板收费 送酒时收取送货费,当地政府周日才允许 酒类销售,并在当地的ABC商店品酒. The bill's next stop is the House Finance Committee.

Registration for CityVision 2019 这是北卡罗来纳州城市和地区最大、最好的年度会议 towns, May 14-16 in Hickory -- is closing on Sunday. Don't miss your chance! Join us for two days 充满了引人入胜的主题演讲和并发会议,将给你 这些是你们在家乡直面挑战所需要的工具. This year, CityVision将在每次大会之后提供圆桌讨论 应对共同的挑战,与区域伙伴建立联系并参与 促进讨论,以获得您可以使用的实用信息 immediately. REGISTER NOW!

​Bills 以改善北卡罗莱纳州的宽带前景,继续他们的吸引力 the General Assembly. 定于下周四举行的委员会听证会是 HB 431 FIBER NC Act,它解决了世界各地的一个关键目标 state. 鼓励成员城市和城镇联系他们的立法者和 问问他们对该法案的支持,他们的赞助者名单占了一半以上 the House. 该法案将在众议院州和地方政府委员会听取, specifically would authorize local governments to build broadband infrastructure and lease it to 私人运营商,这样的安排会给那些得不到服务或服务不足的人 社区是通往可靠、快速互联网的道路. Also in support of better broadband access is SB 310 Electric Co-Op Rural Broadband Services, which received a favorable report 本周提交参议院司法委员会. The bill 会允许国家电力合作公司的子公司吗 向一个或多个处所提供宽频服务.

​Two bills passed the Senate this week that 将影响两个向市政当局提供赠款的项目——清洁 水务管理信托基金(CWMTF)及公园及康乐信托基金 (PARTF). SB 356 Surplus Property Proceeds to Parks and Water will add revenue to both 通过从出售国有资产中提取一定比例的资金来资助项目 surplus property to each of the funds. SB 381 Reconstitute & Clarify Environmental Boards expands the purposes CWMTF的资金可以用来包括(除其他外)保护 以及洪泛区和湿地的恢复增加了拨款标准 priority considerations. The League thanks Sens. Andy Wells and Harry Brown for 考虑其他方式来增加这些项目的资金.

​A 参议院正在讨论的一项全面的税法法案包括 将历史性的康复税收抵免延长4年 这个项目帮助整个州的社区恢复活力,把老化 建筑重新投入使用,扩大财产税范围. Supporting a goal set by 本两年期的城市和城镇,第5款.2 of SB 622 Tax Reduction Act of 2019 would push the credit's sunset date to Jan. 1, 2024, from the currently programmed Jan. 1, 2020.  Additionally, it eyes 采用“市场促进者”措施的互联网销售税 旨在帮助该州从额外的在线销售中征税. A 其中一部分收入流向了地方政府. Separately, the bill 要求所有在线住宿预订公司收取销售税 通过他们的在线平台进行租赁. Those companies would have to make an annual report to the N.C. Department of Revenue, which would include 总收入的清单和所有通过它预订的房屋的位置 company’s online platform in the prior year. This proposal, from Sens. Jerry 阿奇代尔的蒂尔曼,云杉派的拉尔夫·海斯和芒特的保罗·牛顿 普莱森特周三在参议院财政委员会进行了讨论. The committee took no action.

In 其他消息,众议院本周看到了这份文件 HB 791 Law Enforcement Agency Recordings, which if passed would achieve a statewide goal of cities and towns. It would make several changes to the existing 关于发布和披露执法机构录音的法律; 包括允许向城市管理者,市议会,或 公民审查委员会,如果有保密协议的话 closed session. The League thanks sponsors Reps. John Faircloth, Stephen Ross and Allen McNeill.

More 本周,超过200项众议院法案在提交截止日期前浮出水面. They also include HB 786 Emergency Management Changes,这将确保灾难恢复资金 能不能用于住房——解决城镇的另一个目标呢 biennium.

Follow along with all the bills relevant to cities and towns via our online bill tracker.
