
League Bulletin

July 29, 2016

Stakeholder meetings resumed this week for rulemaking required by 2014 legislation after a year-plus hiatus. HB 894/S.L. 2014-41水源保护规划 mandated the development and implementation of source water protection (SWP) plans for "every supplier of water operating a public water system treating and furnishing water from surface supplies," and the state 是否一直在领导利益相关者收集意见的过程.

The legislation was a response to two 2014 accidents that received national attention for their potential effect on drinking water supplies: the accidental release of 4-methylcyclohexanemethanol in West Virginia, 煤灰泄漏到丹河. To date, SWP planning has occurred throughout the state on a voluntary basis and has followed a template recommended by the U.S. 环境保护署. 州认为HB 894的意图是在此模板上进行扩展, 特别强调应急协议.

365足彩下载一直是利益相关者会议的积极参与者, 本周开始审查潜在的规则语言. 不过具体时间还没有确定, 起草工作完成后,本规则将由大会通过 N.C. 公共卫生委员会. 有关规则制定和利益攸关方流程的更多信息可在此找到 here. Contact: Sarah Collins

今年秋天将标志着旨在推翻众议院第2号法案的审判的开始, and it may include focus on the portion that prohibits municipalities from enacting local nondiscrimination ordinances, reports the News & Observer of Raleigh. U.S. 地区法官托马斯·施罗德(Thomas Schroeder)主持了审判, over a case brought by a group of North Carolina residents who claim the state law discriminates against LGBT individuals, for Nov. 14 in Winston-Salem. 根据罗利报纸的报道, 目前有五起诉讼围绕HB2展开, 它一直是LGBT权利对话的核心内容 since the N.C. 联合国大会于今年3月通过了该决议. 施罗德法官也将于8月11日听取辩论. 1 on whether to suspend the law pending this legal challenge, which contends HB2 is unconstitutional. Click here for more coverage.
Gov. Pat McCrory has cleared away most of the pending bills awaiting his signature. Just a dozen remained on his desk as of Friday morning, according to the General Assembly's count. In the past week, the governor has signed into law roughly eight bills including HB 483土地使用法规变更这是国联能够大大缩减的立法 a previous version that would have been harmful to municipalities in the way of property-owner protection and local government land-use decisions. Gov. McCrory also signed SB 667选举综合修订, which calls for a legislative study of ways to potentially move municipal elections to even-numbered years, 和全州范围内的选举一样, by 2020. 截至周五上午,在尚未签署的文件堆中剩下的是 SB 326地方政府/建筑物/结构/检查该法案涉及对租赁登记项目的限制. Click here 州长签署的文件和他办公桌上的文件的链接.

Municipalities and their police officers may want to prepare the public for a new bicycle law that will allow motorists to pass bicyclists in no-passing zones in certain circumstances and will toughen the penalties for aggressive motorists. The News & Observer reports 新法律将于10月10日生效. 1, will allow motorists to pass bicyclists in no-passing zones if they give the two-wheelers at least 4 feet of space, 如果骑自行车的人没有向左转. Motorists caught driving aggressively around bicyclists may have to pay higher fines or could lose their license, 罗利报纸报道.

法律对骑自行车的人也提出了新的要求. 夜间骑行,12月10日起生效. 1, they'll have to add a red light to the rear of the bike or wear reflective clothing visible from a long distance. 根据报纸, 这些更新是骑自行车者之间对话的结果, 警务人员及其他持份者. The changes are in a transportation package approved on the final day of the short session. Click here 对于法律的语言.

State Rep. Charles Jeter 周一,亨特斯维尔市的州长从联合国大会辞职. 两届国会议员, 在一份被众多媒体引用的声明中, 说他当选的职位让他花了太多时间和家人在一起. "This has been one of the toughest decisions I've ever had to make in my life,队长在周一说, as quoted by WRAL and other outlets. “我喜欢为北卡罗来纳州的人民服务, and I know today’s announcement will be letting my Republican colleagues down in a very tough election year fight. However, I simply cannot continue down a road that in the end forces me to make my wife and children anything less than the first priority in my life." Jeter, of House District 92, 将与夏洛特民主党人查兹·比斯利争夺11月的席位. The Mecklenburg County Republican Party will appoint someone to run in Jeter's place. Click here 更多新闻报道.
The National League of Cities says it's standing by its commitment to bring its 2017 City Summit -- the annual, 全国会议,即以前的城市会议,迁至夏洛特. NLC announced the news on Monday after a weekend resolution passed by the organization's leadership. 决议谴责 House Bill 2 and similar legislation passed in other states limiting local decision-making authority. “The National League of Cities sent a clear message to the state of North Carolina: we stand with the City of Charlotte, and we will oppose any actions that preempt local control or discriminate against members of our communities,NLC首席执行官克拉伦斯. Anthony. “Changing the location of City Summit would effectively penalize the City of Charlotte for the state’s action. We will continue our efforts to combat North Carolina’s HB2 and similar state laws across the country.2017年城市峰会定于11月15日至18日举行. Click here 阅读NLC的完整声明.

Wal-Mart has sold off more than 40 of its former Wal-Mart Express stores to Dollar General in a deal that includes a dozen North Carolina locations. 包括百老汇, Carthage, Coats, Foar Oaks, Liberty, Pikeville, Princeton, Red Springs, Richfield, Snow Hill, 斯特德曼和扬西维尔, according to a 达乐新闻发布. 交易横跨11个州. "Dollar General anticipates relocating 40 existing Dollar General stores into the purchased sites by October 2016 and entering one new market as part of the purchase,该公司解释道. 交易条款没有披露." Click here and here for news coverage.

如果你错过了,第三集 市政方程播客 offered plenty of authority and perspective on how municipalities can play a part in driving innovation locally. Click here to listen. 主持人本·布朗采访了克里斯托弗·格根, leader of national learning collaborative Forward Cities and entrepreneurship group Forward Impact, about how cities and towns of any size can express their role in the entrepreneurship ecosystem for the benefit of local and state economies. This episode was fittingly recorded at Duke University's new downtown entrepreneurial space called the Bullpen. Don't miss it.

来看看第四集的预告吧? 点击这里查看片段. 我们讨论了地方的概念,给地方政府带来了很多启示. 概要:当你从一个城市搬到另一个城市时, 希望有更好的生活质量, 你真正期望的是什么? 这个城市是否达到了这些期望? What's missing? And is there anything that you personally can do to better connect with your locale? These are questions that journalist and author Melody Warnick has pondered and researched extensively, resulting in a new book about place attachment and what individuals can do to make their own local experience the best it can be. "I think there are a lot of ramifications for municipal governments," Warnick tells us. 看看预告,并继续关注完整集,我们将在周二播出. Click here for all episodes and 在这里免费订阅iTunes.
