


事情发生的经过: 虽然立法机关不在会议期间, controversy around the session continued as disputes over November ballot items entered courtrooms.
单词释义: Judges this week heard from lawyers in separate lawsuits, including 一封来自州长,寻求阻止某些 宪法修正案问题 from the ballot on grounds that they're misleading or unconstitutional. Nothing is settled yet, even with Election Day on the horizon.
利用: 选举官员 are waiting on a green light for ballot printing, currently on pause until the courts decide what to do. 另外,周一,威克县的一名法官 发布禁令 stopping the printing of ballots in a case brought by a judicial candidate over a recently passed law that, 实际上, 把他所属的党派从选票上划去.
瘦子: 各位,现在是选举季节. 

时间不多了! 今天北 2018年城市视觉展. 定于9月9日上映的《山核桃. 19-21, CityVision is the League's premier event full of engaging keynote speakers and informative sessions that will give you the tools you need to face the challenges in your hometowns head on. 今年, CityVision will offer roundtable discussions following each general session to address shared challenges, connect with regional partners and engage in facilitated discussions to gain practical information that you can use immediately.
This is the best opportunity for municipal officials from around the state to dive deep into issues like broadband and technology, 基础设施, 打造城市品牌, 最重要的是, grants -- finding the money you need to prepare your municipality for tomorrow. State Attorney General Josh Stein is also on the agenda to discuss the scourge of opioid abuse and how communities can fight back. The annual conference also is where members elect officers and make any constitutional or bylaw changes. 预登记于8月11日星期五结束. 24, so 早期注册 以避免增加免预约注册费.

Derwin蒙哥马利, a longtime member of the Winston-Salem City Council and recent member of the League's Board of Directors, has been tapped to fill a vacancy in the General Assembly. 媒体报道 that the Forsyth County Democratic Party picked Montgomery on Sunday for the District 72 House seat, occupied by three-term legislator Ed Hanes until his immediate resignation last week. Montgomery joined the Winston-Salem City Council in 2009 as the youngest person ever elected to the post, 根据 新闻报道. The Winston-Salem Journal reported that Montgomery is expected to resign from municipal office this fall. 联合国大会的网站已经有特色 个人资料页面 为他.

The National League of Cities (NLC) has picked Durham and Winston-Salem among six cities and towns nationally for the next round of the organization's CHAMPS initiative (Cities Combating Hunger Through Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs) to fight hunger locally. Durham was awarded $125,000 and Winston-Salem $115,000 with 18 months of technical assistance. A 新闻稿 from Winston-Salem explains the city will use the funds to work with local agencies to boost after-school and summer feeding program enrollment for students and a nutrition assistance program for low-income households. "Hunger and food insecurity were identified as a core issue" by one of the city's community bodies, 市长艾伦·琼斯说. "This grant aligns with some of its recommendations and will help maximize our community’s use of federal nutrition programs." 缴送工作的博客 有关于这项工作的更多细节吗.

美国.S. 参议院, 这是自2000年以来的首次, 已经批准了大部分的年度开支法案, the National League of Cities (NLC) points out in its 最新365体育足彩动态. “这听起来没什么大不了的, 但是对于城市领导来说, this is progress and there are two key reasons to applaud,国家图书馆的快讯说. 为一个, 这对预算过程是有益的, with officials moving on legislation at a rate that could see completion in both chambers and at the White House in time for the new federal fiscal year on Nov. 1. 其次, 说缴送工作, “这显示了两党合作的力量," with senators agreeing to keep partisan policy issues out of spending bills. NLC notes that the 参议院 is maintaining last year's funding increases for city priorities, 包括3美元.3 billion for the Community Development Block Grant program. 在其他方面,尽管美国政府正在采取行动.S. 众议院休会。, NLC is encouraging cities and towns to speak out on why they need durable federal-local partnerships on 基础设施. 更多详情见 NLC最新的365体育足彩更新.

State agencies annually create a statewide action plan that lays out how the state will address affordable housing and community development needs. 这些机构,主要是联合国.C. Housing Finance Agency, are now seeking input for the 2019 Annual Action Plan. “我们创造了 一项调查显示 through which housing and homeless services organizations (particularly those receiving federal CDBG, 首页, 信托基金, 环境、社会和治理, or HOPWA funds) can provide input that will help us set priority needs, 满足这些需求, 评估我们工作的有效性,来自协调员的电子邮件中写道. 

Responding to customer anxiety over long lines and wait times, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) this week announced a series of changes for its offices. “Our top priorities are to issue accurate and timely documents in an efficient manner for all our customers,NCDMV专员Torre Jessup说 新闻发布会上 其中包括这些计划的项目列表. “We will be taking many steps over the coming weeks and months to recruit, hire and train new staff and will continue to look for other ways to cut customers’ wait times,杰瑟普说. 该机构指出了对 真实身份法案 作为危机的一个贡献者.