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League Bulletin

October 25, 2019

WHAT HAPPENED: 比过去几周要多很多,而且联合国大会也批准了一些受欢迎的消息 extension of the historic rehabilitation tax credit, so important to the economy, 国家的历史和振兴,提高了当地的财产价值和生活质量. 否则,新的立法语言就会出现在各种主题上,比如 redistricting reform and smokable hemp (proposed to be outlawed next June), 以及一项可能增加城镇销售税收入的条款.
WHAT IT MEANS: Enough sizable items moved this week, 与此同时,董事会任命通常被保留为会议结束时的职责, 作为我们真正接近尾声的线索——尽管我们在最近几周以各种方式说过这一点. 
ON TAP: 如果2019年的长时段真的有一个上升的方格旗, 这并不意味着今年所有的立法工作都要结束. 我们可能会看到一项休会决议,要求立法者回到罗利解决悬而未决的问题, whether that's this year or in early 2020, 通常在年中开始的立法机构短期会议之前. 偶数年的短期会议一般是为了继续审议活动, leftover bills from the long session as well as budget tweaks -- though recall that we don't have a comprehensive budget in law this year; just a series of approved "mini" budget bills that at this point tally close to what a comprehensive budget would anyway. 
THE SKINNY: You probably have it by now. 这是忙碌得多的一周,因为议员们都在关注最终的优先事项, 包括历史性的康复税收抵免,他们已经延长了四年. Read on for more updates from the week.

本周,众议院和参议院就立法进行了合作, HB 399​, 继续实施有价值的税收计划,如该州的历史修复税收抵免(HTC), with an expansion to the mill rehabilitation credit as well. 这代表了365足彩下载改善经济和就业机会的目标. 根据之前的立法,将于明年1月暂停, lawmakers have pushed the HTC sunset to January 2024. When approved in legislation, 这些项目通常都有到期日期,立法者会定期分析并考虑延期. 参众两院在本周的会议报告中消除了各自立法草案中的分歧,该报告在登记之前获得了参议院的一致通过. 这项措施以前是综合州预算的一部分,但由于立法机关和州长之间存在分歧,从未获得批准, unrelated components. 
目前在众议院财政委员会经参议院批准后,本星期是 SB 557 Various Finance Law Changes​其中包括提高社区的销售税收入. A section of the bill, titled "Marketplace Facilitators to Collect Sales Tax,要求在线市场服务商(如Etsy,在某些情况下还有亚马逊)承担责任, 卖方是第三方(通过在线平台),满足一定的门槛要求来计算, collect and remit sales tax on third-party sellers' behalf. This follows June 2018's applauded U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc.​, 是什么决定了各州可以对在该州没有实体店的在线零售商征收销售税. 这是对实体零售商之间差距的认可, which have to collect sales tax, and online businesses that, as the court pointed out with its ruling, 可以降低价格,365体育足彩实体店竞争对手做不到的“免税”销售吗. North Carolina began collecting online sales taxes in November 2018; this legislation closes a gap in collection requirements.

In a separate finance measure this week, SB 578,​ 是对国家电影和娱乐资助基金的修改. 截至撰写本文时,该法案已于周四在参议院通过后提交众议院财政委员会. 它将降低制片公司获得补贴资格的支出门槛, 理想情况下,作为该州的一部分增加吸引力,比如威尔明顿, long carrying the nickname "Hollywood East" -- is reportedly​ experiencing its best year of film activity since 2014. The bill also, separately, 包括减少该州的企业特许经营税,这可能不会得到州长办公室的支持. 
Gov. Roy Cooper on Tuesday had announced the creation, by executive order, of what's called the Governor's Advisory Council on Film, Television and Digital Streaming. "North Carolina’s natural beauty, welcoming communities, 当地的人才使它成为电影工业的完美家园,” said Governor Cooper in a press release. “这个咨询委员会将在帮助该行业蓬勃发展方面发挥关键作用, which creates good-paying jobs right here in North Carolina.“扩大电影资助计划将满足城市和乡镇在长会议之前设定的另一个政策目标.

Here We Grow, 这是365足彩下载与合作伙伴WRAL TechWire的一项特别倡议, 是基于这样一种基本认识,即当我们的各个城镇蓬勃发展时, our state collectively thrives. That’s always been the case. Investment by cities and towns in streets, in water and sewer infrastructure, 在公园和其他便利设施中建立了使企业蓬勃发展的基础. 正是这些投资帮助我们建立了丰富的自然资源,使我们能够享受高质量的生活.
You'll find hours and hours of reading at highlighting specific cities and towns, like the recent piece on Oxford​ 以及所有事情的辣酱是如何加热那里的经济发展的. Recently added to, TechWire's feature page about Here We Grow, 对韦恩斯维尔和梅贝恩这样的社区有深入的报道吗, 每个人都解释了他们的增长状态,以及他们如何管理它,以实现经济和生活质量的最大化. 
Here We Grow is free to League-member cities and towns. 不要错过成为这个讲故事引擎一部分的机会. Send an email to League Communications Associate Jack Cassidy for information and login credentials. 
