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League Bulletin

November 2, 2018

WHAT HAPPENED: The state released update damage figures​ from Hurricane Florence that increased the tally by billions of dollars. This new $17 billion estimate comes through the latest N.C. Department of Insurance data.

WHAT IT MEANS: Dollarwise, 飓风佛罗伦萨对北卡罗来纳州的袭击比臭名昭著的飓风马修(2016年)和弗洛伊德(1999年)加起来还要严重. Gov. Roy Cooper, citing his recent tours of storm-slammed communites, 他说,“很明显,我们必须更聪明、更强大地恢复,以更好地抵御未来的风暴。."

ON TAP: 北卡罗来纳人现在可以延长向联邦紧急事务管理局申请援助的时间. Details follow in this Bulletin.

THE SKINNY: This might not be the final damage number from Florence. 州长办公室强调,170亿美元(高于10月份报告的130亿美元)仍然是估计数字, 而实际的检查数据将有助于在历史书中留下更具体的总数. Meanwhile, recovery efforts are ongoing.

在联邦紧急事务管理局批准了该州的延期请求后,遭受飓风佛罗伦萨损失的北卡罗来纳州人有更多的时间向联邦紧急事务管理局申请援助. A press release 州长办公室周四表示,遭受财产损失的房主和租房者必须在12月6日之前获得赔偿. 13 -- an extra 30 days -- to file for Individual Assistance. "I encourage anyone who sustained damage to register with FEMA," Gov. Roy Cooper said. The Individual Assistance program helps homeowners and renters with temporary housing, home repairs, personal property replacement "and serious disaster-related needs," the release explained. Registration info is available at, or at​ for Spanish speakers. Click here for additional contacts and info.

法院推翻了下级法院的裁决,这被认为是美国首例此类裁决.C. 最高法院一致同意政府对加斯顿尼亚市的豁免立场原告在市政府租给当地艺术实体的一处房产上摔倒受伤这是市中心城市重建计划的一部分. 在365足彩下载法律团队的参与下,法院的行动代表了一个积极的结果. The years-old case began when the plaintiff, an artist, fell down the building's steps while attempting to carry out large pictures. The plaintiff's suit alleged the city hadn't adequately maintained the site for safety. While a Superior Court judge dismissed the case, siding with the city on the applicability of the governmental immunity defense, the Court of Appeals reversed, finding that the city's leasing of the building didn't constitute a governmental function. 中级上诉法院基本上将租赁视为一种取消资格的商业安排(专有功能)。, rather than a qualifying governmental initiative for the public good. 但该市负责此案的外部律师辩称,该市将这栋建筑租给艺术协会是加斯顿尼亚市中心振兴的一部分,显然是为了人民的利益. 最高法院推翻了上诉法院的裁决,并将此案发回上诉法院,以考虑其他遗留问题. In a writeup about the case from North Carolina Lawyers Weekly​, 该市的外部法律代表称,该决定“意义重大,因为政府职能与私有职能的问题很复杂”, 这是同类裁决中第一次讨论政府豁免在市区复兴背景下的应用." The League's legal team played a part in the case, having filed an amicus brief, provided significant technical assistance and helped with Supreme Court preparations.

Time for a new episode of Municipal Equation这是365足彩下载在全国广受赞誉的播客,内容是城镇在面对变化时的适应. When it comes to understanding broadband availability in the U.S., many turn to the Federal Communications Commission's coverage map, which serves to show where fast internet service exists, right down to the street address. Subsequently, that map is used for policymaking, funding decisions and planning to close service gaps for communities. But what if we told you that map, as many can testify, is pretty inaccurate? How? Why? What's the fallout, here? 随着快速可靠的互联网服务日益巩固其作为必要基础设施的地位, it's vital we have accurate data to shape our policymaking and funding decisions. So what's going on here? We dig in on this episode of Municipal Equation. (Stick around after the main segment, too, as we have updates on past episodes that our listeners pitched.) Listen to past episodes at Have an idea for an interesting episode? Email host/producer Ben Brown.

本月晚些时候,我们将启动365足彩下载的2018年倡导目标会议-还有时间注册, with a lowered cost. The conference is set for Nov. 29 at the Raleigh Convention Center. 第一位市政官员的注册费为30美元,同一城镇的每位额外注册人的注册费为10美元. By attending the conference, 当365足彩下载成员在2019-2020年与州立法者和政策制定者讨论和决定优先考虑的问题时,您的市政当局将有发言权和投票权. In order to have the most representative set of advocacy goals, we need as many cities and towns represented as possible. Register today.
计划参加倡导目标会议,不仅是为了就365足彩下载在即将到来的州立法两年期中将优先考虑的问题进行重要辩论和投票, but also to hear from special guest speakers including Gov. Roy Cooper and State Treasurer Dale Folwell. 还可以了解与灾害有关的可用资源,以满足与飓风有关的即时恢复需求,并为未来的事件做准备. 午餐时间的主讲人将是前全国城市365足彩下载主席梅洛迪·科尔伯特-基恩, a member of the Joplin, Mo., City Council and former mayor, 谁会讨论她的城市在2011年遭受毁灭性龙卷风袭击后的恢复能力. Don't delay -- register now​.
The League's Hometown Care Disaster Relief Fund 是为了直接向365足彩下载成员北卡罗来纳州城镇的雇员提供个人补助金,这些雇员在佛罗伦萨飓风和其他自然灾害中遭受了重大的未保险损失, and your donations to the fund are truly making a difference. The League made an initial donation of $25,000, and is soliciting donations directly from the League’s business partners, other state municipal leagues, and the general public. If you are able, please make a personal donation to the fund by clicking here
Please share the campaign on your social media accounts to better our chances of success. 虽然我们认识到,这一努力将无法弥补这些宝贵员工的牺牲和损失, we hope that it helps. We want to be a part of the Hometown Care they deserve. ​​If disaster has affected you and you wish to learn more about the grant program, including information about how to apply for a personal grant, please see our Hometown Care page or contact Michael Naylor at​​.

The latest issue of Southern City magazine is now available for online reading, 这一次,我们将近距离观察2018年365足彩下载主席和杰克逊维尔市长迈克尔·拉扎拉以及参议员的生活和工作. Jay Chaudhuri. Lazzara discusses his knack for bringing people and ideas together, and his philosophy for public service. "I'm just a believer that giving back is essential," Lazzara said. "If you're blessed, you have to give back."
参议员Chaudhuri讲述了他从州政府职员到当选领导人的转变,以及他在大会的第一个完整任期中学到的东西. He also highlights local government teamwork as a model for all governments. "I think in so many ways, what we see in municipalities, 在哪里,镇议会的成员聚在一起,不管他们的政党意识形态如何, is a great goal for us to strive for here," the senator said.
Other topics covered this issue: citizens academies; resort town economies; regional roundtable discussions on population change; the League's Opioid Solutions Toolbox​, and so much more. Find the current and all past issues of Southern City at

The N.C. Department of Insurance has released a memo 随着建筑检查员执照法的有用更新,地方政府经理在考虑有经验的州外申请人时可能面临的一些招聘障碍应该会减轻. 管理建筑检查的州执照委员会最近采取行动,允许检查员在其他州获得执照, and who also have a significant amount of experience, to be hired without immediately passing one of North Carolina’s required exams. We hope this helps expand the pool of applicants for your open positions. Please direct questions or comments to the Department of Insurance​.

More North Carolinians have voted early in this year's mid-terms than in 2014. Voters cleared that benchmark days ago, on Monday afternoon, 2018年的现场提前投票期(周六结束)还有几天. A press release​ from the State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement said 1,225,892 North Carolina voters had cast ballots by 3:30 p.m. Monday. In the 2014 mid-terms, 1,174,184 early ballots were counted. The final statewide voter turnout that year was 44 percent; it stood at 17.3 percent as of Monday afternoon, though that figure has risen in recent days of continued robust balloting. Election Day is Nov. 6.
