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League Bulletin

December 15, 2017

周三,该州水利基础设施融资机构的成员探索了各种方法,以增加地方政府申请者可获得的资金数额. The primary responsibility of the State Water Infrastructure Authority (SWIA) 是否优先考虑从联邦和州政府获得奖励的项目. 他指出,今年秋天是Connect NC逾3亿美元债券的最后一次融资奖励, SWIA工作人员指出,对剩余资金的需求一直超过可用资金, 尽管近年来该项目的效率得到了显著提高. 这些改进使当地供水系统申请人可获得的资金大大增加.

工作人员表示,他们将进一步探索的一个改进是 leveraging state funds, whereby the infrastructure funds would issue revenue bonds, 然后贷款收益,并通过贷款偿还债券. In another point of discussion, SWIA成员还考虑了另一种增加可用资金的方法:增加大会的拨款. Staff recommended that such a request be targeted to specific issues, 比如有问题的水系统或增加水系统弹性的项目. 365足彩下载赞扬并感谢SWIA及其员工对全州当地供水系统的大力支持, 以及他们为系统改进所做的努力. Contact: Erin Wynia

不同立法临时委员会的成员本周考虑了为某些市政服务提供资金. First up, the Environmental Review Commission (ERC) 周三,就州和地方政府使用固体废物处理税的问题进行了长时间的讨论. Then, the Joint Legislative Committee on Justice and Public Safety (JPS) 昨天从威尔明顿消防局局长巴迪·马提尼特那里得知需要州政府追加资金用于搜救行动.

伦理委员会的参众两院领导人在整个委员会会议上都致力于 solid waste disposal tax今年早些时候,立法机关下令对这一问题进行一项临时研究. The state’s environmental regulatory agency conducted the study, 它深入研究了自2008-09财政年度开始征收税收以来,税收收入是如何使用的. 上一财政年度是税收开征以来收入最高的一年, nearly $20 million. Of that total, 37.5%的资金按人均标准拨给了县和市,用于固体废物收集等管理项目, disposal, and recycling. 议员们向主持人提出了一些关于州和地方政府使用税收的探索性问题, 一些立法者质疑将资金用于地方项目的价值. 来自哈内特县和梅克伦堡县的固体废物专家 presented information 关于他们在当地的服务,他们回答了立法者的问题.

在本周的第二次讨论中,州政府与地方合作资助基本政府服务, 马丁内特局长向JPS成员提出了匹配当地搜索和救援行动支出的理由. In his presentation, 警长回顾了在最近的灾难中,来自全州各地的搜救队的积极参与, 比如2016年的飓风马修和北卡罗来纳州西部的野火. 他强调了这些球队自1999年飓风弗洛伊德以来取得的巨大进步, 并赞扬了当今团队的培训和专业知识,他们对马修飓风等类似的大型自然灾害做出了高水平的反应. He noted that post-911 federal grants, which helped to build the state’s rescue response capacity, were no longer available. 因此,他敦促立法者与当地资助的团队合作,提供2美元.39 million appropriation, an unfulfilled request also made during the last legislative session. Contact: Erin Wynia

​Members of a newly-established House committee 周三召开了一系列临时会议,审查了当地建筑检测部门的工作表现. In his opening remarks, committee chair Rep. Mark Brody, a homebuilder, 全州的住宅和商业建筑商都经历了挫折, delay, 当地检查员对建筑规范的解释不一致,增加了成本. 在审查了最近试图解决这一问题的立法之后, 委员会听取住宅及商业建造业代表的介绍, building inspectors, 以及规管机构,例如督察发牌委员会和建筑规管局.

Generally, 代表住宅建筑利益的发言者提供了当地部门延迟或非法检查的轶事, 而代表建筑检查员的演讲者则提供了与当地住宅建筑商建立关系并回应这些担忧的轶事. After receiving this information, committee members honed in on possible remedies, 包括提高第三方持牌验楼师进行住宅验楼的能力, requiring the N.C. 保险部门规范了地方政府使用的建筑检验申请流程, 并进一步修改建筑规范局的程序. At the conclusion of the interim committee’s work next spring, 它可能会在5月开始的大会短暂会议上提出立法建议. According to Rep. 布洛迪,未来的委员会会议将在全州各地举行. Contact: Erin Wynia

It's time to meet your maker -- your talented, independent, local creator of tangible goods, like art, clothing, instruments, toys, knick-knacks, tech tools, anything. Your city or town might even have its own, 有动力的创客社区越来越多地被专家称为当地经济发展战略中缺失的一环. Why? On the latest episode of Municipal Equation365足彩下载广受好评的播客,我们听取了其中四位专家的意见,并深入研究了一个 recent report about this "maker economy." What can your city make of it? Guests include Etsy, the National League of Cities, Recast City, and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance.

Haven't checked out the podcast yet? What are you waiting for? Just pick an episode, press play, and listen. The latest episode is our 40th, 所以我们有很多有趣的话题可以选择,关于面对变化的城镇. Subscribe on iTunes or Google Play or find it on your favorite podcast app. Want to pitch an idea for an episode? Contact host/producer Ben Brown.

Rep. John Bell gives a glimpse into his busy world serving as majority leader of the N.C. House in the latest issue of Southern City. Rep. Bell, who lives in the Rosewood community near Goldsboro, 讨论了他如何花时间去了解他所在地区的立法者和当地领导人,这使他在理解该州的细微差别方面变得很在行. “我必须了解对他们来说什么是重要的,什么对他们的地区是重要的. 在韦恩、勒诺瓦、格林和克雷文县行得通的方法,在邦库姆县、墨菲县、格林斯博罗县和吉尔福德县可能行不通," Rep. Bell said. "You have to learn those dynamics. What does this member need to be successful?他还讨论了他的影响、家庭以及他对2017年联合国大会的评价. Read the full Q&A.

On the cover of this issue is Bethel Mayor Gloristine Brown, 她是一名长期的公务员和365足彩下载董事会成员,她正在帮助她的小镇摆脱北卡罗来纳州东部经济衰退的纠缠,她的乐观主义和强有力的社区规划的力量. "I don't say 'if,' I say 'when,'" Mayor Brown emphasizes, adding: "I know now that things don't happen overnight.... But my thing is, you've got to get it started." Get to know Mayor Brown and what she's doing for Bethel.

And there's plenty more to read, including coverage of CityVision 2017, a look at how Salisbury is going on foot to engage with residents, a different take on hiring police officers, and how the League is connecting you with a "Ready Rating." Southern City, 这是一份365足彩下载的双月刊,可以在线和印刷.

State transportation officials published a proposal this week that tackled how the N.C. 交通运输部(NCDOT)将偿还学校所需的道路改善费用. Legislators inserted the requirement for the NCDOT to begin paying for schools’ road improvements in this year’s budget (Section 34.6A). Municipalities must meet this same requirement, which concerns both public, private, and charter school construction projects. A fiscal note previously accompanying the measure estimated the cost to NCDOT in the millions of dollars; cities and towns will likely incur similar costs to meet this requirement. 在过去,学校为所有与学校建设有关的道路改善支付费用.

The NCDOT proposal 详细说明学校必须遵循的步骤,以要求报销所需的道路改善, 以及部门对成本的责任范围. For example, 该部门将保留对为学校进行的工程交通分析的控制权, 它只会为该部门根据该分析所要求的改进提供报销. Alternatively, NCDOT将允许学校聘请一名独立的工程师来完成这项分析, 但是,使用独立工程师会受到一些限制,比如该部门自己的招标和资格预审要求. Also, generally, NCDOT将对任何独立工程分析的补偿限制在不超过类似类型和范围的工作平均投标成本的10%.

各城市在制定自己的标准和流程以偿还学校所需的道路改善费用时,不妨参考NCDOT的建议. This requirement was effective Oct. 1,并适用于该日期或之后的学校开学、搬迁和扩建. Contact: Erin Wynia

全国各地的城市领导人要么在消化,要么在对联邦通信委员会周四废除网络中立规定的行动做出反应 required equal treatment of all Internet traffic. 全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)主席马克·斯托多拉是阿肯色州小石城的市长., 他说,他和他的同事们希望能够达成一些解决方案,以确保社区获得良好的宽带服务和选择. FCC's action, he said, 广泛抢占州和地方当局监管宽带和保护消费者的权力. "The FCC has created an environment that will discourage, rather than spur, 互联网服务供应商在本地市场的竞争和良好公民意识," he said in a statement after the 3-2 vote from commission members. “我们希望未来关于网络中立性的行动将恢复和巩固城市保护其居民的能力,并在其社区促进强劲的宽带竞争,同时扩大服务不足社区的宽带接入." NLC previously wrote to FCC 主席阿吉特·帕伊敦促他重新考虑他对撤销监管的支持. 向Pai所说的“轻触式框架”的互联网管理转变,可能并不是故事的结局. News outlets including the Associated Press 请注意,已经宣布了几项法律挑战来改变或推翻联邦通信委员会的决定.

​Work in Congress toward tax reform carries on, despite word earlier this week that Republican leaders had reached a deal and that votes could come early next week. With little wiggle room in the Senate, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida on Thursday said he may not support the bill 没有扩大低收入家庭的儿童税收抵免. Another Republican, Sen. 据报道,在撰写本文时,犹他州的迈克·李(Mike Lee)尚未决定是否支持该计划. Whatever the pace, 全国各地的市政领导人都在密切关注税收计划对历史性税收抵免的处理, the New Markets Tax Credit and other credits and programs of interest to cities that became uncertain during House and Senate negotiations. Republican leaders want to pass a reform bill before Christmas.

​There's another step ahead for Quality Built Homes v. Town of Carthage, a case that concerned the collection of water and sewer system development fees. The seven judges of the N.C. Supreme Court are scheduled to hear the case on Jan. 9. 现在摆在法院面前的问题是,是否应该对针对该镇的索赔适用诉讼时效, and whether the builder, 支付了费用,然后接受了从中获得的好处, have a legitimate claim, something known as estoppel-by-benefit doctrine. In May of this year, 最高法院批准了该镇要求酌情审查的请求(来自2016年12月最高法院的决定).C. Court of Appeals). The briefing period in the case ended in September. Previous League publications provide background. The League separately worked with state lawmakers on the passage of legislation 今年,它实现了城镇的一个关键倡导目标,即确保它们在未来有权征收这些促进增长的费用,并限制地方政府在未来任何与这些费用相关的不利法院裁决中可能承担的责任.
